Accessible Learning Center (ALC) New Student Information

NCF is committed to providing an inclusive educational environment for all students.  The ALC works collaboratively with faculty, staff, and students to ensure that reasonable accommodations, services, resources, and referrals are made that provide equity both inside and outside of the classroom.

Registration Process

To request accommodations, please complete the following steps:

Complete the New Student Request Form using our secure service portal, Accessible Information Management (AIM).

Upload reliable 3rd party information regarding your disability, learning difference, or medical condition.

  • For academic accommodations, reliable third party documentation may include but is not limited to an individualized education plan (IEP), a 504 plan with supporting medical documentation, a neuropsychological evaluation from a licensed medical professional, or a completed NCF Document Verification Form (See documentation guidelines).
  • For residential accommodations, go to the residential accommodations page
  • Reliable third party documentation must be in English and from a non-family member.

A staff member from ALC will contact you to schedule an intake meeting.

During this first meeting with ALC, the staff member will review submitted documents and discuss requests to establish reasonable accommodations. If additional information is needed, the staff member will let you know and give instructions on how to submit any additional information.

If eligible, reasonable accommodations are determined during the initial appointment with ALC. Recommended accommodations are effective once a student requests their accommodations in AIM and they are not retroactive.  Students are required to request their accommodations at the beginning of each semester in order to be eligible to continue receiving academic accommodations.  For Residential accommodation requests, provide residential staff with a copy of your eligibility letter.

Disability Documentation Guidelines

ALC considers all information when evaluating student requests for accommodations; including but not limited to your personal description of your needs, records of past accommodations and services, formal psychological or medical evaluations, and/or letters from past health, education or service providers.

Students need to submit documentation from an appropriate professional describing the barriers, impact and/or deficits caused by the disability. The guidelines below were developed to assist you and professionals to prepare the information in order for ALC to evaluate your request and make recommendations.

Provide all pages of your IEP/504 plan and if available the supporting documentation for your IEP/504 plan.

Provide a letter or medical records from a licensed professional containing the following information:

  • A diagnostic statement identifying the condition (diagnostic code), date of original diagnosis, and date of current evaluation.  Some accommodation requests may require a DSM-V or ICD Diagnosis (test and code), given based on a formal assessment of a disabling condition provided by a licensed professional such as a medical professional, psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, licensed social worker.
  • A description of the condition and the impact it may have on the student in the educational environment.
  • Treatments, medications, assistive devices/services currently in use:  Include an estimated effectiveness in improving the impact of the treatment, medication, assistive device and/or service on their condition.
  • The credentials of the diagnosing professional(s):  Certification, licensure and/or the professional training of the treatment provider.

Please email the ALC to finish the document verification by emailing us at: [email protected]